tattooed eyeliner

17 06, 2014

New Brows and Gorgeous Eyes

2020-04-02T09:03:41+01:00June 17th, 2014|Categories: Permanent Makeup|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

New Brows and Gorgeous Eyes


The lovely Judy has been one of my clients for her beauty treatments for quite a few years now. I have always tinted her brows and eyelashes to give them a bit more definition but as many people know this only lasts 4-6 weeks. She was getting fed up of applying brow pencil and eye-liner everyday, then having to fix smudges throughout the day as well. So she bit the bullet and booked in to have her new brows and gorgeous eyes defined with permanent make-up at my clinic.

We did brows first. Drawing the desired shape on with pencil first to make sure she was happy with the shape. We decided on doing hair stroke brows to keep them as natural as possible, but at the same time giving her the much needed, and wanted definition to her natural brow.

The colour was chosen based on her skin colouring, we went for a rich warm brown which perfectly complemented her eye colour and hair colour too.

Below are some before and straight after pics will have to wait a few weeks for the fully healed result. Colour will have faded slightly. The jet black eye-liner will also fade to a soft black once it has healed into the skin.


Another delighted customer! If you want to book in for your free no-obligation consultation to see what permanent make-up can do for you please call me 07920032353

25 11, 2013

Eyelash Extensions vs Permanent Eyeliner

2020-04-02T09:03:42+01:00November 25th, 2013|Categories: Permanent Makeup|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Permanent Eyelash Extensions

Eyelash extensions are a big thing at the moment, with people having them done for a special event or a holiday and some people having them topped up every 2-4 weeks! And I can totally understand why. Waking up with gorgeous eyes, going swimming without looking like a panda, not having to worry about the emotional moment at a wedding, they are fab. But please when you decide to have lash extensions, do your research! Many lash technicians are fully qualified and can offer you an experience you will love, but there are a few out there who will give you an experience you wish you never had. From allergic reactions to poor quality glue, to eye infections from dirty tools, and not forgetting badly applied lashes making you look more Marilyn Manson than Marilyn Monroe.

Permanent Eye-liner

But if like me you love having defined gorgeous eyes 24/7 which won’t take up an hour or two every 2 weeks having a permanent eye-liner procedure may be more up your street. A fine line also known as a lash enhancement can be tattooed through the base of the lashes, making the lashes look fuller and darker, it’s subtle but it looks fab. Or for something a little thicker and more noticeable you can have eye-liner. Starting as a lash enhancement this procedure may take a few more treatments to build thickness, but once complete you will have eyes that are defined and gorgeous eye-liner which won’t smudge. Permanent make-up can last years but a colour booster is advised every 1 year to 18 months to keep the colour looking fresh.


Eyelash Extensions and Permanent Eye-liner treatments complement each other perfectly, but if you want permanent eye-liner then please make sure you have the lash extensions removed by your lash technician at least a week before your treatment.

Gorgeous eyes here we come!


For more information on my trusted lash technician Sarah please click the link Indulge In Beauty


16 09, 2013

My Tattooed Eyeliner Diary

2020-04-02T09:03:42+01:00September 16th, 2013|Categories: Permanent Makeup|Tags: , , , , , |

Getting My Eyeliner Tattoo

Well today is the day! I have been waiting ages to have my eyeliner tattooed on, and although I hate having anything near my eyes or water going in my eyes I am surprisingly calm. I have total faith in my technician and I know she will do a good job! (I did train with her after all!)

I am having upper and lower lash enhancement with a thin eyeliner across the top.

[image_frame style=”framed_shadow” height=”150″ width=”600″][/image_frame]

Lower Eyeliner Tattoo

Firstly we decided on thickness and how far in I wanted the lower liner to come. Then the colour, I wanted a smokey charcoal look, to just enhance my eyes when I didn’t have any mascara on.

Does permanent makeup hurt?

The topical anaesthetic was firstly applied to the lower lash line. 20 minutes later, I was ready. And you know what, it didn’t feel too bad, slightly scratchy but it didn’t hurt. More anaesthetic was applied as the treatment on the lower lash line commenced, I was completely numb.

When the lower was finished the excess pigment was just wiped away and the anaesthetic applied to the upper lash line, time for a quick cuppa while the top was numbing!

Upper Eyeliner Tattoo

Now the top was slightly different feeling, the outer edge was fine just a light scratchy sensation but closer to the inner corner it felt a little bit stingier, but, it only lasted a few seconds and more numbing was applied. The inner corner is a bit more sensitive but was never a treatment stopper. The inner lash line is done in very small stages so that the anaesthetic has a chance to work.

When the treatment was finished I was cleaned off ready for the mirror. Wow, a little swollen but my eyes looked amazing! The thickness was perfect, and I knew that the colour was going to look very black at first but they looked great.

[image_frame style=”framed_shadow” height=”150″ width=”600″][/image_frame]

Next Morning

My eyes are a little swollen but they don’t hurt, they just feel heavy like I had had a very late night.

[image_frame style=”framed_shadow” align=”right” height=”150″ width=”350″][/image_frame]

Few days later

Swelling has gone down and I still love it! I’ll be sad when the colour starts to shed as it heals!

5 Days After Treatment

The colour is starting to lightly shed on the lower lash line. I have the odd itch every now and then but I am just lightly tapping the itch to stop it. Don’t want to scratch as it may pull the pigment out. Feels great not having to wear mascara as it heals. You can use mascara if you want but it must be a new one.


3 Weeks After Treatment

I am completely healed! The top line is looking great, the lower line has held on one side but has not held so well on the other side. It’s not an issue though as it’s such a fine line anyway, and seeing as I have only had one treatment I am very impressed with how good the top looks. Just need to wait another three weeks till I can have my top up, by then the colour should be a bit brighter too!

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Book in for your free consultation today! Call 07920032353

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