Remember to Wear Sun cream
Wear Sunscreen
We are all searching for the way to keep our skin looking young and healthy. In 2019 we as a nation spent a staggering £920 million on just facial skincare.
You could slow the ageing process by using just one product daily?
UV exposure is the reason behind 80% of your skins ageing, and even on an overcast day, only 25% of the UV rays are blocked out. Meaning 75% of UV rays still getting through and damaging your skin. You can’t feel the damage but its happening.
We have all done it, gone out and not even thought to wear sun cream, or popped it on in the morning then not bothered to reapply. I have had a few sunburns over the years and regretted my stupidity pretty quickly. Those red bits being super sore and no amount of after-sun can sooth that red, blistering, angry skin. The scary thing is sun cream is so important, especially around the time where we “know everything” and think we are “invincible”. A study in the USA on women who had 5 blistering sunburns between the ages of 15 and 20 were 80% more likely to develop a melanoma skin cancer.
Sun cream is important at any age but getting your first sunburn at a young age is just setting yourself up for major skin damage later on if the pattern continues.
But I want a tan, I love having a tan, it makes me feel and look healthy. I only tan when I burn
Well that gorgeous tan you get after burning isn’t actually healthy. Nope, not one bit. That brown skin is damaged DNA. Whether you tan naturally, after a sunburn or on a sunbed all your doing is damaging your skins DNA.
The only healthy glow you can get is out of a bottle. And that’s it.
So what should you use to protect your skin and your DNA? You guessed it, sun cream! We should all be wearing a broad spectrum sun cream with a SPF of at least 30 daily. And it should be reapplied every 80 minutes, or after swimming or sweating. Its so important that we not only use products that protect our skin from damage, but also the environment.
After everything in the news about sun creams damaging the coral reefs, I don’t know about you, but I felt like I was damned if I did and damned if I didn’t. Protect myself and kill the coral or burn myself and protect the coral reef. So I decided to try a 100% natural sun cream, it smelt OK and it did ok at protecting my skin, but it left a white chalky cast to my skin. I’m white enough already, so I was practically a glowing white beacon.
That was until I tried the Tropic Great Barrier sun cream.
Now although the Tropic Great Barrier is not 100% natural, it does not mean that it is not 100% safe. This lightweight sun cream has been formulated with synthetic chemical and mineral sunscreens meaning that, not only is it safe for you and your skin, it is also safe for the environment. Being the only company in Europe to have the Protect Land and Sea certification and it also has a ZERO rating on the Think Dirty app.
Another must have for me, a sun cream specifically formulated for the face, especially as we should use it daily. No one wants to have a shiny face 24/7, so Sun Day is the perfect product for me. Not only does it have broad spectrum protection, it also protects against free radicals and HEV light. It makes for a great primer under makeup too.
So there you have it. If you want to have youthful skin, there’s only really one product you need. SUN CREAM!
Enjoy the weather but please remember to keep yourself and your family sun safe.
All products can be purchased via this link, please remember to add me ( Amy Packer ) as your ambassador when you checkout.
Amy Packer
Discover natural, vegan and cruelty-free, multi award-winning skincare and makeup products, freshly made in our Surrey Beauty Kitchen using sustainably sourced, premium, natural ingredients.