patch test

26 01, 2014

Your New Brows

2020-04-02T09:03:42+01:00January 26th, 2014|Categories: Permanent Makeup|Tags: , , , , , , |

Your New Brows

When brows are first done they will be darker than your used too, but this only lasts about 5 days and there is good reason why they are dark to start with. While the treatment takes place the blood and lymph rush to the surface which can make the chosen colour look darker, but also as the skin heals you are going to loose up to 70% of the pigment!  The skin sees the pigment as a foreign body and tries to push it out. So if the colour is a bit of a shock to what your used to, they will be the perfect colour once healed.

If it has been your first treatment you may have some areas that may not have taken so well, you shouldn’t worry as this will be filled in and any tweaks made at the 6 week top up appointment.

I always warn people that as the brows heal they may experience some scabbing, but nearly everyone that came back just said they had a slight flaking of the skin, and they said the only thing people noticed (if they even noticed) were the amazing new brows they had. That’s how natural they are.

Each colour is custom blended to take into account skin tone and hair colour, the shape of your new brows is drawn on and shown to you for your input before any treatment takes place. I will also take a look at your skin and advise you on how long the pigment will last. There are lots of factors when talking about how long the pigment will last in each individual, these include, skin type, skin care regime, using an spf, and age. I will be able to give you a rough idea on when a colour booster will be needed but it usually works out to be 1 year to 18 months.

So when your brows are done, yes they will be a bit darker but there’s no need to hide! Show them off!

20 08, 2013

Permanent Makeup Patch Test

2020-04-02T09:03:43+01:00August 20th, 2013|Categories: Permanent Makeup|Tags: , , |

The Importance Of Permanent Makeup Patch Tests

Why Have A Patch Test?

With any permanent makeup treatment there is one thing you MUST have before treatment commences. And it could avoid irrepairable damage being done to your face.

When To Have A Patch Test?

A patch test should be carried out at least 12 hours before any permanent makeup is applied. This is a simple step which takes just a few seconds to do but could save you a lot of hassle, heart ache and pain.

[image_frame style=”framed_shadow” align=”right”][/image_frame]

How A Patch Test Is Performed…

Using a lancet the skin is pierced twice,  the pigment is applied to the 1st area and topical anaesthetic is applied to the 2nd area. This feels like a tiny scratch and may sting for a split second, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Common Reactions To  A Patch Test…

Reactions include, rashes, major swelling (there will be a little swelling after a treatment but this is normal and should go down within a few days) inflammation, irritation, soreness and sometimes lumps under the skin.

Warning About Not Having A Patch Test…

Removing permanent make up is not an easy job. Laser can take a few sessions and there still maybe some pigment left behind also it’s not always safe to laser round your eyes.

It amazes me that there are still some technicians out there that are happy to perform a treatment without carrying out a patch test first. Not only is it so easy to do but the clients health should ALWAYS be put first.



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