
17 06, 2014

New Brows and Gorgeous Eyes

2020-04-02T09:03:41+01:00June 17th, 2014|Categories: Permanent Makeup|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

New Brows and Gorgeous Eyes


The lovely Judy has been one of my clients for her beauty treatments for quite a few years now. I have always tinted her brows and eyelashes to give them a bit more definition but as many people know this only lasts 4-6 weeks. She was getting fed up of applying brow pencil and eye-liner everyday, then having to fix smudges throughout the day as well. So she bit the bullet and booked in to have her new brows and gorgeous eyes defined with permanent make-up at my clinic.

We did brows first. Drawing the desired shape on with pencil first to make sure she was happy with the shape. We decided on doing hair stroke brows to keep them as natural as possible, but at the same time giving her the much needed, and wanted definition to her natural brow.

The colour was chosen based on her skin colouring, we went for a rich warm brown which perfectly complemented her eye colour and hair colour too.

Below are some before and straight after pics will have to wait a few weeks for the fully healed result. Colour will have faded slightly. The jet black eye-liner will also fade to a soft black once it has healed into the skin.


Another delighted customer! If you want to book in for your free no-obligation consultation to see what permanent make-up can do for you please call me 07920032353

30 04, 2014

Recent Hair Simulation Brow Pics

2020-04-02T09:03:41+01:00April 30th, 2014|Categories: Hair loss, Permanent Makeup|Tags: , , , , , , |

Natural Hair Simulation Brows

Natural hair simulation brows are the most gorgeous and natural looking Semi Permanent brow style to go for.

Whether or not you have your own natural brows this treatment gives you such a realistic look your friends wont have a clue its tattooed on. Using a custom blend of pigments if your blonde, brunette, red or grey, the perfect colour will be found for you. Perfectly defined and perfectly natural 24/7!

permanent eyebrows

permanent makeup hair stroke brows

Hair stroke eyebrows

Permanent makeup hair stroke brows

permanent makeup eyebrows

Permanent makeup hair simulation brows

hair stroke brows

Permanent makeup eyebrows

Natural Hair Simulation Brows on client with Alopecia

Natural Hair Simulation Brows on client with Alopecia

Natural hair simulation brows on a client with alopecia

Natural hair simulation brows on a client with alopecia


Natural hair simulation brows on a client with alopecia

Natural hair simulation brows on a client with alopecia

Natural hair simulation brows and upper and lower liner

Natural hair simulation brows and upper and lower liner

Natural hair simulation brows and upper and lower liner

Natural hair simulation brows and upper and lower liner

26 01, 2014

Your New Brows

2020-04-02T09:03:42+01:00January 26th, 2014|Categories: Permanent Makeup|Tags: , , , , , , |

Your New Brows

When brows are first done they will be darker than your used too, but this only lasts about 5 days and there is good reason why they are dark to start with. While the treatment takes place the blood and lymph rush to the surface which can make the chosen colour look darker, but also as the skin heals you are going to loose up to 70% of the pigment!  The skin sees the pigment as a foreign body and tries to push it out. So if the colour is a bit of a shock to what your used to, they will be the perfect colour once healed.

If it has been your first treatment you may have some areas that may not have taken so well, you shouldn’t worry as this will be filled in and any tweaks made at the 6 week top up appointment.

I always warn people that as the brows heal they may experience some scabbing, but nearly everyone that came back just said they had a slight flaking of the skin, and they said the only thing people noticed (if they even noticed) were the amazing new brows they had. That’s how natural they are.

Each colour is custom blended to take into account skin tone and hair colour, the shape of your new brows is drawn on and shown to you for your input before any treatment takes place. I will also take a look at your skin and advise you on how long the pigment will last. There are lots of factors when talking about how long the pigment will last in each individual, these include, skin type, skin care regime, using an spf, and age. I will be able to give you a rough idea on when a colour booster will be needed but it usually works out to be 1 year to 18 months.

So when your brows are done, yes they will be a bit darker but there’s no need to hide! Show them off!

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