Sussex Trichology
If you or anyone you know is having any sort of hair and/or scalp problem which is really getting them down book a consultation with Shuna Hammocks consultant trichologist from Sussex Trichology.
Shuna’s warm smile and total enthusiasm for her work will put you at ease straight away, she is very empathetic, and along with her knowledge and experience in most cases she will be able to diagnose what the condition is.
In a typical consultation Shuna will take various things into consideration including, medical history, any medication, lifestyle, allergies, and your daily hair care ritual. She will then give your scalp a thorough examination, before giving you her diagnosis.
When it comes to possible treatment of your condition you may have a treatment in the clinic on the same day as your consultation. A treatment may consist of having various creams applied to the scalp and/or hair, steam treatment and a relaxing scalp and neck massage using Philip Kingsley products and medications.
If home treatment is recommended Shuna will prescribe the right Philip Kingsly products for you to buy and use at home. Shuna will also give you a detailed run down of how and when to use the products.
Sussex Trichology really look after their patients physically and mentally.
If you would like to book a consultation with Shuna at Sussex Trichology then pick up the phone and call 01444 448082 or check the website for further information